Our History
Philosophical Guidelines
Starting from that base, we intend to train young people capable of:
What Defines Us.
Principios Pedágogicos
This system transforms complexity into simple and concrete actions based on the development of life skills such as peaceful coexistence with others, social emotional skills, teamwork, collaboration, problem solving, confidence, leadership, and entrepreneurship in a global world in the 21st century.
The students achieve communication skills like listening, writing, speaking, the ability to collaborate, and participate in groups. They use technology and communication to contribute to the purpose of offering a relevant, contextualized education to construct a better, united world for everyone.
The students are at the center of the process. The teachers direct and guide the activities that lead to the achievement of our curricular goals.
Educational Facilities
- Biology Lab.
- Physics Lab.
- Homework Room.
- Auditorium.
- Stage.
- Bookstore.
- Multipurpose Room.
- Security cameras.
- Math Lab.
- Three computer labs with modern computer systems to share resources and information.
- Basketball, soccer, and volleyball courts.
- Special classrooms for teaching languages.
- Conference auditorium for up to 300 people.
- Laboratorio de Química
- Huerto Escolar
Complementary Services
Student health insurance
Preparation for First Communion
Community Services
Coffee shop
Service pack
Certificación de Microsoft
Excursiones educativas
DELF (Diploma de estudio de la Lengua Francesa)