
''Juntos formaremos
mejores familias''.

Distinguidos señores:

La comunidad educativa del Colegio Dominicano, a través, de esta página, les da la más cordial bienvenida.

En este espacio pueden conocer nuestra filosofía, principios y valores que marcan la trayectoria de 44 años del trabajo realizado.

We are an institution committed to our society with the purpose of training individuals with integrity in their human, academic and social formation so that they serve their country in a dignified manner.

Sin otro particular, reciban saludos cordiales.

Lic. Melba Pacheco de Ozcoidi


What Defines Us.


To be an efficient educational institution, committed to forming individuals with a high level of ethics, who are able to engage in the scientific learning process, and who exhibit social awareness. To support our students in improving their human values, with the collaboration and integration of families.


To ensure that the community perceives our institution as an excellent option, that our teachers and administration are recognized as people with top quality values, academic training, and commitment to their social environment.


Spirituality. Integridad. Respeto. Responsibility. Unity. Disciplina. Preservación del medio ambiente.

Principios Pedágogicos

Promote ethical, philosophical, democratic, and patriotic values.

Promote a close relationship between the school and family.

Value cultural diversity while preserving Dominican culture.

Commitment to community

Scientific investigations

Active, evaluative participation and sense of belonging in their educational community.


Colegio Dominicano bases its teaching in the programs implemented through the Department of Education. We reinforce these programs with activities and subjects that complement and enrich the education of each student, offering a modern education with the goal of being a modern, constructive, and formative institution.


Learn more about our news and activities.

Santiago-Licey Road Km. 4 1/2,
Urbanization Los Laureles Santiago, Rep. Dom.

(809) 736-1515 Ext. 2201-2203-2227


